Search: f2py

3 results

Statistical Mechanics 1

  Equilibrium Monte Carlo simulation of the 2D Ising model

magnetism, spin, monte carlo, fortran, f2py, metropolis, equilibrium, autocorrelation, ising

Using the Metropolis algorithm to approximate the magnetization and specific heat for a 2D Ising lattice.

Astrophysics 1

  Precession of Mercury

space, einstein, gravity, 4th order runge-kutta, angular momentum, fortran, ode, extrapolation, f2py

Computes the precession of Mercury by linear extrapolation.

Python Packages 1

  Calling Fortran(95) Routines from a Python Script

electricity, fortran, trapezoidal method

Making use of the Fortran to Python package F2PY which enables creating and compiling a Fortran routine before converting it to a Python Module, which can be imported to any Python script.