animation, gravity, newton, semi-implicit euler method
Explaining the concept and simulating gravitational slingshot of a spacecraft passing a planet.
space, einstein, gravity, newton, 4th order runge-kutta, angular momentum, differential equation, ode
Solving fixed-point problems using the Fix-Point Iteration method.
animation, gravity, newton, 4th order runge-kutta, interpolation, cubic splines
The motion of a rolling object on an arbitrary track is analyzed.
gravity, newton, harmonic oscillator, cavendish, curve fitting
Analyzes data from the Cavendish experiment using curve fitting. The Gravitational Constant is estimated.
schrödinger equation, bloch's theorem, newton's theorem
Using Newton's method to calculate the band structure for the simple Dirac comb potential in one dimension.
simpson's method, newton, euler, eigenvalue, poisson's equation, integration, interpolation
Analyzing sloshing using a numerical approach based on a linear model, which reduces the problem to a Steklov eigenvalue problem.
animation, space, gravity, newton, embedded runge-kutta pair, angular momentum
Applying the fourth order Runge-Kutta method and the adaptive step size Runge-Kutta method to calculate the trajectories of three bodies.
space, gravity, newton, 4th order runge-kutta, lagrange
Studying how a third mass behaves in the effective gravitational potential resulting from two opposing masses (here: Sun and Earth).
space, explicit euler method, gravity, newton
Applying the explicit and implicit Euler methods and the fourth order Runge-Kutta method to calculate the trajectory of the Earth around the Sun.
newton, lagrange, interpolation, chebychev nodes, runges phenomenon
Using polynomial interpolation to interpolate a set of points and to approximate a function or a curve.
Solving a second-order ordinary differential equation (Newton's second law) using Verlet integration.